
The MPTCP knowledge hub

White Papers

Explore these white papers to learn more about multipath transport technology

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Comparing Hybrid access networks solutions

Denis Périquet

To cope with growing user appetite for bandwidth, telecommunication network operators are exploring various solutions to combine different access network technologies together. This will pave the way for hybrid access networks, i.e. access networks that combine very different technologies such as DSL and LTE. In this white paper, we compare different technical solutions that can be used to create such hybrid access networks. In particular, we compare the benefits of the Multipath TCP-based solutions to network-layer solutions. Furthermore, our measurements done on three widely deployed DSL access routers show that a software-based solution using Multipath TCP can achieve high bandwidth on existing devices

MPTCP : Opening the way for 5G Convergence

Graham Turnbull

In March 2019, we published a paper entitled “Opening the way for convergence in the 5G Era with MPTCP” to talk about upcoming features in 3GPP Release 16 and specifically the role of the Tessares proposed 0-RTT Convert Protocol as the basis for ATSSS. Since then a lot has happened.